Basic Indicators of a Home With Good Resale Value

You can find a Nanaimo house with good resale value if you consider the following aspects: A home in a desirable location will almost always attract a larger pool of home buyers. Look for one that does not back onto busy streets and is not on a corner or intersection. Your best choice is a home in the middle of the block or on a cul de sac. Try to find one near essential shops and services such as grocery stores, gas stations, dry cleaners, and convenience stores.

The home itself should have more than one bathroom and more than two bedrooms. Look for a home with good flow and an open floor plan as well as having ample storage space and closets. Other desirable things are a garage, family space and recent updates.

Childproofing Your Nanaimo Home

When childproofing your home consider potential hazards that can occur both inside and outside of the house.
Inside the home you should install safety gates, latches and locks, door knob covers and door locks, anti-scald devices (for faucets and shower heads), corner and edge bumpers (for the edges of furniture and fireplaces), electrical outlet covers, carbon monoxide alarms and cordless window coverings. The kitchen is full of potential dangers so the safest thing to do is install a baby gate across the entrance. Also windows should only be able to open 3 inches, or have a window guard.
Outside the home use extra protection with a barrier completely surrounding the pool and spa, such as a fence with a self-closing and self-latching gate. Your outdoor deck is as perilous as a pool, except that you want to keep your child in and not out so install a self-closing and latching gate.

Energy Saving Tips For Winter in Nanaimo

Here are 3 tips on how to spend less money on keeping your Nanaimo home warm this winter. 
1. Have your heating systems serviced and inspected twice a year and install clean filters to help lower your energy bill. Catch any major problems before they occur by having a regular routine maintenance program for your furnace and air conditioner. 
2. Check the insulation stripping on your doors and windows, warm inside air will quickly escape to the outside through any gap, then caulk or replace it to get rid of any leaks. Money spent on insulation supplies will be a lot less than having to pay for wasted warm air.
3. If you haven’t had the heating system updated on your older home for years, consider replacing it.  You’ll be surprised at the energy efficiency of today’s heating and cooling systems and may see energy savings showing up right away. For more information on Nanaimo homes for sale 2018 contact Lynn Donn.