How To Use Curb Appeal To Sell Your Nanaimo Home Quickly

First impressions are the lasting ones and studies have shown that when people look at something for the first time their impression is formed in the first 6 seconds and that first impression never changes even if a lot of contrary evidence comes up later. When a prospective buyer sees an overpriced home, they usually do not come back, even if they liked the home and the price is reduced.

To sell your home quickly, make sure that your curb appeal is at its best. This positive first impression can make prospective buyers feel that your house is the place they could call home. To maximize curb appeal keep the front yard neat and tidy and free of any distracting clutter and have flowering plants to catch their eye. You may want to hire a professional landscaper to help keep your yard looking its best.

Does Your Real Estate Agent Have A Good Website?

Between 80% and 90% of potential buyers use the internet as part of their home search and serious, qualified buyers use the web for a lot of research before they even contact a real estate agent to schedule a showing. There are still many businesses out there that don’t have a website so be sure your realtor has internet marketing as part of the overall sales and promotional program for your house for sale.

Pretend that you’re a potential buyer for your own house, hop on to the internet, and see which Realtors have the best website presence in Nanaimo. Your listing should be exposed to as many prospective buyers as possible.  A visitor to a real estate website will spend only 3-4 seconds on the site before deciding whether or not to click over to a different website. The more user-friendly your realtor’s website is, the more visitors or traffic that website will get, which in turn translates into more qualified buyers looking at your Nanaimo home for sale.

What to do about ugly green algae on siding

When you’re spending time outdoors in the warm, sunny weather this spring you’ll probably notice some ugly green algae has appeared on your garden shed siding. After a wet winter algae often grows on the north facing side of walls.  If you have decided that removing this algae will be your first spring cleanup chore, a spray bottle and some bleach should do the trick.

For a nice clean shed just do the following: fill a spray bottle with half bleach and half water. It should be strong enough to cut off anything. Have a bucket of rinse water, a sponge and some dry rags. Spray the algae generously and let it set for a few moments. When you see streams of green running from the area you just sprayed, wash it off with clean rinse water and a sponge then dry the area with the rags. If the algae is thick, it might leave a greenish stain, just repeat the process and rinse it off again.