Nanaimo Homes For Sale – Is It Worth It To Stage?

When home staging is done properly, it can potentially put your home ahead of the competition.   You want prospective buyers to imagine that they’re already living in your home.  A well staged home shows buyers what it could be like to live in that home.  Homes often sell faster when staged. Even at more modest price points, staging can help a property command a higher price.  However, some homes look better when they’re empty than when they’re filled with furniture.  Sometimes it’s the floor plan, sometimes the lighting looks better without furniture, or maybe there’s a huge picture window that will draw peoples attention to the gorgeous view you’ve got.
One way to decide whether or not to stage, is to survey your competition.  Pretend you’re a potential buyer for your home, then take a good look at what the alternative choices are.  Visit open houses, see what’s available over the internet, and maybe even ask your real estate agent to take you around to view competing properties when they’ve got a little extra time. The cost to stage your home for sale is also something to think about.  If there are a lot of similar homes for sale when yours goes on the market, maybe it does make sense to spend a little extra and stage your home.
Staging a Home for Sale In Nanaimo
We have plenty of experience staging homes for sale in Nanaimo! Please call for more information.